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2010 May minutes


Salem Council on Aging
Board of Directors

Minutes from meeting of May 19, 2010.

Meeting was called to order by Chair Pat Donahue, at 6:40 p.m.

Roll call
Present: Pat Donahue (chair, PD), Elaine Heredeen (treasurer; EH), Domingo Alvarez (DA), Alice Williams (AW), James Willis, (JS) Jane Sarnowski
Absent: Pam Greaves, Donna Clifford .Dolores Nangle
Joan Lovely had notified Doug Bollen that she was attending city council committee tonight to support the request for $15000, to hire an interior designer for new senior center.

PD: Motion to waive a reading of the minutes of the April meeting.

EH: Seconded

PD: Recommends that board members attend meetings or call ahead in anticipation of their absence. Without cooperation, board members will have to be asked to resign.

PD: Asks for Director Doug Bollen’s report.

Doug Bollen:
·       Tonight is city council committee which Bill Woolley and Joan Lovely are in attendance regarding the request I put in for $15000 to hire an interior designer for new senior center.
·       New intern starting next week- Meghan Botticelli
·       Recent bake sale raised $325 for COA
·       Recent Book sale made $335 for advisory committee
·       Bill has been working on new phone system program-Centrix which will save money for city.
·       Bill also has been working on acquiring a an FCC license for vans
·       Lynne Barrett will be attending training to become a Shine councilor
·       5 Seniors attended an open house event at the Beverly Council on Aging on Thursday, May 13 from 5-7p.m The Seniors played out door games such as; crochet tennis, bag-o, Frisbee, soccer and basketball.~ It was a truly enjoyable event that demonstrated fitness and outdoor activities .~
Meghan would like to hold a field day event, similar to what we did at Beverly, some time in July or August at the Salem Common.
·       14 seniors leaving for Jersey Boys in Rhode Island, Saturday, May 22 from the COA
·       Thursday, May 20 – Spring Fling Dinner Dance at the Moose
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 80 Seniors Signed up
Tuesday, May 25 – Senior Luncheon at Black Cat Café Salem High School
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 26 Seniors Sign up
Thursday, May 27 – Lunch & Bingo at Abbott House
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10 Seniors sign up - Full (maximum they can take is 10)

·       Tuesday, June 8 – Seniors will be wrapping up donated items to send over to the Troops in Iraq & Afghanistan
·       Thursday, June 10 – Art Show – items from Parks, Recreation & Community Services will be on display
·       Thursday, June 17 – Father’s Day Luncheon
·       .Statistics: Transportation -- In April 2009, COA transportation provided 1,367 point-to-point rides; 1,485 in April 2010. Congregate meals -- In April 2009, 268 congregate meals were served; 549 in April 2010. Home-Delivered Meals -- In April 2009, 2030 meals were delivered; 2,125 in April 20010. Social Services -- In April 2010, 232 senior citizens (60 and older) were served 401 times; 19 people under the age of 60 were served 34 times.
·       Tax Aids had 552 appointments of which 488 were at SCOA. Some appts resulted in multiple years being completed. This resulted in 400 federal returns and 482 state returns, We also handled 93 Q & A appointments
·       Considering budget difficulties for the year to come, just getting level funding would be good.\
·       Second new van was picked up at NSES last week; this was our second new van in a month.
·       We purchased a new steam table for kitchen.
·       Fenwick kids did the garden out front.
·       Bill Woolley was invited to present a Webinar on the elder call-reassurance program by Blackboard Connect. Working on a PowerPOint presentation for that; and it worked, last week, to identify a woman who had fallen on her floor and couldn't  get up. The police went to her home and got a key from a neighbor and found her.  
·       The annual volunteer appreciation dinner was held on Thursday, April 22, at the Ward 2 Social Club.
·       A monthly talk show, featuring the Park, Recreation & Community Services Department, will be on SATV. The first taping will be Friday, May 28.
·       Tax Abatement Program-work off program – Sandy George directs this program for us. Currently four seniors just completed the necessary hours, four at currently working at Witch House, two at here at COA, one is at Winter Island, five at city hall, one at Health department, one at Salem police, and two are waiting to be placed.  They need to work 94 hours to complete the program for a $750 tax rebate.

Visitor: Pat Laberte: from Friends of SCOA
Pat mentioned the FSCOA just completed stuffing envelopes to for a mailing to 6000 seniors in Salem asking for an annual donation
Friends is hosting a spaghetti dinner at Moose lodge On June 17 from 4-7, tickets are $7 and can be purchased at COA.

JW: asked if we will be hold board meeting in the summer months
PD: We may have them because of the anticipation of the new senior center and the hiring of an interior design. She hasn’t decided yet, but the June meeting will be held.
JW: said he will be resigning from the Board because he has missed a number of meetings and can’t commit to them.

EH: Motion to adjourn.

DN: Seconded.

PD: Adjourns meeting at 7:30 p.m.

The next COA board meeting will be Wednesday, June 16.2010
Respectfully submitted by Doug Bollen, having taken minutes at the request of COA board.